Tuesday, January 14, 2014

Le Voyage dans la Lune

            A Trip to the Moon a.k.a. Le Voyage dans la Lune was certainly an entertaining film, even for someone like me who is watching it in the modern period. At first, there was a lot of confusion for me and it got me a bit troubled since I could not follow what the story was all about. I did not understand what those men were doing until someone pointed the man beside the blackboard who was making a drawing of a moon and spaceship for me. The planning scene felt too long for me. There were silly scenes in between, some funny and some weird. Finally, the scene that piqued my interest was the actual "going to the moon" part. Seeing that bullet-shaped spaceship landing on the moon made me remember the film Hugo as well, adding to my interest in the movie.

            If I were one of the audience on the first screening of the film, I would be amazed at the very idea that someone in that certain time had thoughts of actually going to the moon. It may even had me excited, waiting patiently for new ideas regarding travels to the moon. Having those weird costumes, backdrops that looked like it was painted hastily, strange set preparations, and some unique props may even look amazing and beautiful for me at that time. To the modern viewers, the film may be purely for entertainment but maybe in 1902, it inspired most of its audience and helped them aim higher.
BALIGNASA, Catherine S.2013-19732
Section: THX

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