Wednesday, January 15, 2014

All the Time 

            All the Time, a film depicting the story of a bibliophile, was a actually a typical movie picture showing the possibility of getting the thing you truly want in exchange for communication or even interaction with other people. In this case, the protagonist want is to have a lot of books that he could read all day long. However, the down side of this is that he was the only person left in the place.   

            Considering science, technology, and the type of society in that age, I would say that the film is almost reflective of what was happening in those days. The only thing that seems to be not in its appropriate place is the type of vault that saved the man from the bombs. 
            If I would create an adaption in our setting, I would have a male protagonist who is, just like the majority of today’s kids, overly attached with his smart phone. Even if there are social gatherings such as parties, he would choose to be with his phone rather than talking with someone else. Then, there will be a time wherein he needs companionship and his gadgets just could not give it to him. He needs someone. This version of mine is to show humans that no matter how fancy our gadgets can be, it is already in our nature that we need more than just virtual conversation. We need physical connection.

Al Francis Masallo
Class THX

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