Monday, February 24, 2014

Mind Movers

            Science was my favorite subject in school. Was. Way before science became long lectures with complicated equations inside laboratories with laboratory equipments whose main purpose was more for display than experiments. Where did the fun go? Where did the actual learning go?

            Our guests from Mind Museum, who refers to themselves as "Mind Museum", made me realize that it was not just me with the same question and same situation. The figures they presented to us on Filipinos' proficiency in science have been declining. The numbers are what you may call "disheartening". And yet, this is where the Mind Museum (first science museum ever built in the Philippines) and these "Mind Movers" come to help us pick ourselves back again.    

            Being one of the guests of Mind Museum not long ago, I have experienced first-hand what they were discussing in class. Guests were presented with rooms about Atom, the Earth, Life, Technology, and the Universe. Had I been a guest in the Mind Museum when I was young, my fascination in science would not have been short-lived.

            The best part would be the science show they demonstrated in class. Experiments, science shows, "magic" in science: these are the ways that science must be presented every day. Even the mind movers agree that aside from sparking curiosity, one must learn to show science. Talking about science would get you a few nods (and yawns) but when you show someone what you are talking about, they get involved, and they actually retain in their minds what you are saying. That simple experiment you did will go a long way when done right, like the way they burned (or tried to) the paper bill after soaking it in 40% alcohol and 60% water or the "fire jet" to explain pressure. Even having people dance to explain the state of matter! Fun when associated with learning can really do wonders. If everyone who teaches science actually did what these Mind Movers do, there may come a time that everyone could actually appreciate science.


Balignasa, Catherine S.
Section: THX

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